Add/Update Information: Movie - The Great Gatsby - 2013

    Basic Details

    Title جاتسبي العظيم
    Title in English The Great Gatsby
    Title's Translation
    Original Title
    Release Year 2013
    Runtime 142
    Category Movie
    Status Released
    Is this a coloured title? Yes
    Egyptian Censorship
    MPAA Censorship NC-17
    Movie Budget 0
    Release Date
    10 May 2013 US false
    15 May 2013 Egypt false
    25 July 2020 United Arab Emirates false
    Filming Locations
    Social Media Links
    imdb tt1343092


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Leonardo DiCaprio Jay Gatsby 1
    2) Carey Mulligan 2
    3) Joel Edgerton 3
    4) Tobey Maguire 4
    5) Amitabh Bachchan 5
    6) Isla Fisher 6
    7) Adelaide Clemens 7
    8) Jason Clarke 8
    9) Callan McAuliffe 9
    10) Barry Otto 10
    11) Vince Colosimo 11
    12) Jake Ryan 12
    13) Steve Bisley 13
    14) Heather Mitchell 14
    15) Kate Mulvany 15

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Lucy Fisher Producer 5
    2) Baz Luhrmann Producer 6
    3) Jay-Z Executive Producer 7
    4) Catherine Martin Producer 8

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Craig Pearce Writer 1
    2) Baz Luhrmann Story & Screenplay 2
    3) F. Scott Fitzgerald Story & Screenplay 3

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) United Motion Pictures Distributor 3
    2) Warner Bros Distributor 4

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Baz Luhrmann Director 1

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Jonathan Redmond 1

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Beverley Dunn 2

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Simon Duggan Photographer 2

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Craig Armstrong Music 2

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Catherine Martin 2

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options


    Name Synopses Official ? Options
    Ines Farag Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner and aspiring writer, moves to New York City in the roaring 1920s. Drawn to the lavish lifestyle of his mysterious neighbor Jay Gatsby, he soon finds himself a witness to obsession and tragedy. 228


    Name Summaries Official ? Options
    Ahmed Refaat An aspiring writer moving to New York from the Midwest is drawn to the lavish lifestyle of his neighbor, only to witness obsession and tragedy. 143


    Name Plots Official ? Options


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Name Review Content Spoiler ? Official ? Options
    Ines Farag

    Almost true to source: Gatsby is visually stunning but emptiness prevails

    The F. Scott Fitzgerald novel that every American high school student is required to read could not have been adapted by a more suitable director, which is the...Read more blessing and curse of this movie. Baz Luhrmann's signature note is one of flair and frenzied indulgence, and this story is all about 1920s "new money" and a fatalistic kind of grandeur, paired with the age-old American bootstrap promise of remaking the self from nothing. Visually, this is perfectly captured: there's a whole lot of gorgeous decadence and superficiality on screen, and a whole lot of emptiness in the characters. Leonardo DiCaprio is, as always, wonderful, bringing to life the full smoke-and-mirror seductiveness of Gatsby. What works here, no thanks to Luhrmann's style, are the dazzling party scenes and tableaus of cheap wealth and leisure: Gatsby showering Daisy in his silk shirts in a ticker-tape parade of fine material, drag racing hot cars from Long Island to the center of the metropolis (in 3D it's a dizzying set of sequences), but there's something ultimately missing. The viewer is left feeling the same emptiness that plagues the characters throughout the film's two and half hours at the end of it all. I defer to a sharper film critic, Richard Lawson, of the Atlantic for this something missing: "Where Fitzgerald gives us a lyrical condemnation of a society ravaged by materialism, Luhrmann has created an opulent, tragic Horatio Alger tale of lost love. The excesses of Roaring Twenties New York high society are certainly pooh-poohed in the film, but they are swaddled in so much visual pop and frenetic beauty that the criticism barely registers. Too enamored of its own decadence, The Great Gatsby says a lot without saying much of anything."