Chicago Film Festival Opens Tonight, Screens "The Immigrant," Pays Tribute to Roger Ebert

  • News
  • 12:25 PM - 10 October 2013
  • 1 photo

The49th Chicago Film Festival ishaving its opening night tonight, screening the “ The Immigrant”as the opening movie.

“TheImmigrant” stars Joaquin Phoenix and Marion Cotillard as Bruno andSonya, where on Manhattan's streets Sonya falls victim to Bruno, acharming man who abuses her and forces her into prostitution.

Thefestival is dedicating the opening night to film critic, Roger Ebert.Ebert was a prominent figure of the festival and Chicago's moviescene in general.

Thenight starts with a short video tribute to Ebert, preceding thescreening of the festival's opening night film.

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