Anthony Hopkins is behind the scenes of "Psycho".

  • News
  • 02:57 PM - 2 March 2012
  • 2 photos

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It was fifty years ago when the legendary Alfred Hitchckok presented his geneious work "Psycho". Hitchcock faced many difficulties while making this film that is considered one of the greatest movies in cinema, that John J. McLaughlin wrote "Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of 'Psycho'" that explains how Alfred made this film.The choice of the excluded hotel, convincing the hereon to be killed in the first half of the film and the classic cinematography of some of the scenes are what the film talks about. And who would play the role of Hitchcock than the other legendary icon in cinema, Anthony Hopkins, and with him is the classiest lady to play the role of Hitchcock's wife, Helen Mirren.The film is directed Sacha Gervasi in his first directorial experience after co-writing scripts like the very famous "The Terminal" with Steven Spielberge in 2004 and will start shooting in the summer of 2012 after choosing the rest of the cast to be released in the first half of 2013.

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